The 5 Essentials to Bring on a Buddies Golf Trip

The 5 Essentials to Bring on a Buddies Golf Trip

Are you planning an unforgettable golf trip with your friends? Preparing for the perfect getaway includes more than just selecting the right location and coordinating travel arrangements. To truly enjoy your on the course, you'll need everything from the right attitude to the basic golf essentials. Take a look at the 5 we think are the most important to enhance your experience and give you peace of mind.

1. The Right Attitude

No matter where you're playing, having the right attitude is essential on a buddies golf trip. Dont be the guy that asks, "Where is the first tee and what is the course record?" You are probably playing the course for the first time or have limited experience on it. Forget about shooting your career-best round—focus on creating lasting memories and enjoying the experience with your friends. Take in the surroundings. Be a tourist because you are a tourist. A golf tourist. The key to a successful golf trip is keeping things in perspective and embracing the entire adventure. In my opinion, if you are thinking about the score you want to shoot you are going to miss out on the real experience.

2. Bring Some Cash

While golf courses often accept debit and credit cards, having cash on hand is always a good idea for friendly bets, tipping the staff, and being prepared for unexpected situations. Set some cash aside for wagering and creating friendly competition within your group. You paid $150-$500 for the round. A $10-$20 game is not going to break the bank. Enjoy and dont get upset if you are down two after two. As a good friend of mine and I always like to say... "the best part is the comeback, PRESS!"

Also, keep in mind traveling to some of these destinations is a real treat, but the people serving you are there to support themselves. Many of these golf resorts go above and beyond to cater to whatever you need. Showing appreciation to your shuttle driver, the bell hop, or your beverage server is always important.

3. Gear for All Weather Conditions

No matter your destination, it's essential to prepare for various weather conditions. For example, We plan an annual winter pilgrimage to Bandon Dunes Resort on the Oregon Coast in January. You can expect a mix of conditions that could include rain, wind, and sunshine. Ensure you pack waterproof golf shoes, rain gear, and extra layers of clothing to be ready for whatever Mother Nature throws your way. Also, bring extras. When everything gets so wet the first day it does not dry overnight, you might want to start day 2 in dry gear. Be prepared and some of the most fun rounds are played in some extreme weather.

4. Snacks and Hydration Essentials

Stay nourished and hydrated on the course by packing your favorite snacks and drinks. Staying fueled throughout the day will help keep your performance strong, and having a cold beverage readily available will ensure you're not relying on overpriced alternatives. I personally like to bring fig bars and a few IPA's, but to each their own. Some other popular snack options for the course include:

  • Trail mix
  • Protein bars
  • Fresh fruit
  • Sandwiches

Don't forget to pack plenty of water to stay well-hydrated during your golf rounds.

5. Portable Bluetooth Speaker for Entertainment

Although optional, a portable Bluetooth speaker can elevate your golf trip experience. Music for me, can create a more enjoyable atmosphere on the course and keep spirits high. When the wind is blowing the rain in sideways trying putting on ACDC's Thunderstruck before you hit your next shot. It just might go in the hole. The same speaker can provide in room entertainment after the round when you are chatting it up with the boys by playing music, sports radio, or your favorite podcasts. I also use it for a meditation exercises to help you unwind after a long day on the course and get a good night rest.

Packing Tips and Bag Recommendations

To make the most of your packing space, consider investing in a golf bag with ample storage options and easy accessibility. If you're searching for the perfect bag to accommodate your needs, check out and consider pre-ordering The Goat Golf Bag – designed with organization and convenience in mind.

Remember to enjoy the adventure and create lasting memories on your buddies golf trip. Happy golfing!

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